Preschool Admissions
We welcome applications for children aged 2 years 9 months and over. Our Pre-School Class provides a safe, stimulating and happy environment with fully qualified, caring staff. Your child's happiness and welfare will always come first, and we aim to give every child the very best start to their school life.
Please contact us directly for pre-school admissions advice or check out the Maple Class page on our website.
In Year Admissions
In line with Cabinet approved In-Year Co-ordinated Scheme for Worcestershire Schools, from 1st June 2020 all applications for in-year places must be completed on a CA1 form and sent to School Admissions at Worcestershire Children's First. Please go to their website for more information.
Reception Class Admission
Children are eligible for admission to full time school in the September following their 4th birthdays.
We welcome applications and would encourage you to contact us on 01386 860301 to come and look around. The following link to Worcestershire County Council's website gives you additional information about applying for a place: WCC School Admissions
Please also take a look at our Admissions Policy below. It is important to remember if your child attends our Pre-school it does not mean they have an automatic place in the Reception class when they join school. You must still apply. If you have any queries, do contact the Headteacher on 01386 860301 to seek advice.