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The School Day

Children are in school from Monday to Friday for 32. 5 hours per week.  Our school day comprises of 2 sessions divided by a break in the middle of the school.  

The school day officially begins at 08.55 and ends at 15:25, although we do have a Breakfast Club that runs from 07.45-08.45 and an After-school Club from 15.30-17.30.  Please see our Wraparound Page for further details.

Children should arrive from 08.45 and head straight to their classrooms to start their day.

 It is imperative your child arrives in plenty of time to begin their day with their peers and at the very least by 8.55am, which is when the school day officially begins. 

As part of our drive to raise standards at Fladbury First School, we closely monitor the punctuality of our pupils, and we believe that it is important to set high standards as we prepare the children for taking their places in middle and high schools and eventually the world of work.

Breaktimes are 10:45-11:00 and 14:00-14:15.

Lunchtime takes place between 12:00 and 13:00

If children return home for lunch, they should be met at 12:00.  They are the responsibility of the parent until they are returned to school at 13:00 and parents are asked to inform the lunchtime supervisor that the child has returned.

At the end of the day, all doors are kept closed until 15:25 for security reasons. 

At 15:25, Elm and Oak staff escort their classes to the children's entrance and Maple staff escort their class to the preschool entrance. Once parents are sighted, children are free to go.  Children remain with their class teacher for 10 minutes after this time if parents have not arrived, and are then taken to the headteacher, who will supervise them until their parents arrive.

We do ask you to call the school office if you are delayed (01386) 860301 or if there are any changes to the normal arrangements for collecting your children from school.  This is essential to avoid worries.

For safety reasons, staff will only allow children to be taken home by the normal stated person unless they are informed by the parents in advance (preferably by letter) of a different arrangement.